Bjokhazul | Lesson 4 | Verbs Continued

Published on 31 August 2020 at 00:59

4.1 Verbs Continued


to fight casatro
to watch matastro
to observe asastro
to catch fimpastro
to put on kasistro
to fear furantro
to kill kompestro
to cook velastro
to follow ruestro
to decide dilutactro
to answer disactro
to be able to calistro
to build suratro
to meet sintukro
to roll datalutro
to write pontestro

to drive santistra
to steal lutastra
to use tancastra
to die kampistra
to smoke fanistra
to sleep cantistra
to remember siatistra
to realize ruastra
to read polastra
to set on fire fusitra

Please note that any descriptors, including 'the' get attatched to the noun. 

For instance, if you were to say 'The big grey dog," the formatting would arrange it as "The'big'grey'dog" (they are linked by the 's).

That is all the rules that you need to know!

Please go the dictionary (here) to find any other words you may need.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out (here).

Thank you for making it this far!


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